National Piercing Day
Happy National Piercing Day! One of the most important days in our Metal Morphosis Calendar! Of course, piercings should have a national day to celebrate them and their history, and May 16th is that day. A day to reflect on the art of piercings, their history and how we use them for self-expression. A factor throughout history in which piercings have largely been used for, a factor we at Metal Morphosis don’t want our customers to forget.
Self-expression is a big part of brand identity, essentially why we started the business in the first place back in 1992. Metal Morphosis is a safe place for you to be wonderfully weird and creative with the help of our experienced piercers to make you feel the best version of yourself.

So, what is National Piercing Day?
As stated before, piercings are a big part of history, they have been used for centuries, not just for a fashion statement. But, to be used as symbolism in specific cultures and tribes across the globe for centuries. This is why National Piercing Day is so important, we want to spread awareness of this history and remind people of all the different piercings we have available, from body piercings to ear piercings as well as the cultural traditions behind them.
In the Native American culture piercings were an essential part of their Sun Dance ceremony. This ceremony encouraged powerful spiritual visions. Some cultures also believed piercings have Ayurvedic benefits and often cured ailments.

What are we doing for National Piercing Day?
If you are based in London you will want to take a trip to one of our studios today based in either Hackney or Carnaby. We are offering a one-off promotion; free piercings with any premium jewellery purchase. Essentially this is our titanium and solid gold range. This is valid for May 16th 2022 only and up to a maximum of three purchases/free piercings per person.
We understand the choice can be hard so if you need some stack inspiration head to our Instagram or check out our blog to see our favourite combinations!
BOOK! Book in for your piercing at Metal Morphosis here and don't forget to get your loyalty card stamped!